I think the first author/book/franchise to successfully label itself "post-fantasy" will get to define what it means. At least until someone challenges it.
-- Snoof

Friday, 1 February 2013

Post the what with the who?

Hello. I'm vytzka, a software engineer and amateur actor and I want to talk about RPGs. Most of the posts will be at least tenuously related to the Anima roleplaying game as I am currently running a campaign of just that, but I'll try to pay attention to general applicability.

As for the post- thang, it is necessarily going to look haughty but there's not really that much pretentiousness behind it. I simply wanted a label that would encapsulate looking at classic Western fantasy through the lens of sundry modern media... and stuff like that. It is also a pun on the name of Anima: Beyond Fantasy which is actually a perfect example of what I'm talking about, being a very unusual marriage of Rolemaster with the JRPG aesthetic.

If you know what OSR is you probably just thought "how is that different again" and that's probably a lesson for another post (spoilers: not that much) but it honestly sounds cooler. Not just to myself but people I'm trying to get into gaming are probably going to be more interested in doing something called "post fantasy" than something called OSR. Since I have zero interest in coining any sort of permanent lexicon you may feel free to use any term you like or none at all, just remember the URL ^_^

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